Saturday, November 28, 2009

A few pictures of Eric and Cara.

We decided to take a few more pictures, since Cara and Eric are sooooo photogenic.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

My youngest daughter, Cara, just got engaged to Eric Seger. When we all sat down to Thanksgiving dinner, my husband asked each person to name something they were thankful for. When it was Eric's turn he had a card written for everyone telling them how thankful he was to become a part of the family. He had a special one for Cara and when he gave it to her he asked her to marry him. She was so happy as she said yes. He put a beautiful ring on her finger. Here are some pictures of this very special event.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Matt is doing great on his mission. I love our Monday emails. I just wish he could keep from getting injured during their pday soccer games. He has taught many people the gospel and has made some wonderful friends. One of the most special to him is this beautiful little lady named Oraida.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Family Time!

This past weekend was so fun. We had a great time being together. We went to the Ft. Smith Southside/Northside football game. David and I, Michelle and Ethan, Diana and David, Ryan and Sarah, and Cara and Eric. Eric came down from Missouri to spend time with Cara. We missed Matthew, but we know he is happy serving the Lord in Brazil. We started out at Ethan's parents house in Fort Smith. Michelle had cooked a yummy dinner of chicken and fish and couscous. We then had the great Habanero pepper challenge. I'll explain a little about that. Eric is determined to get Cara to appreciate the benefits of eating Hot peppers so he brought some habañero peppers with him. He tried to get Cara to eat one before we left Hartford. I will attach a video of that episode. Cara wouldn't try too much, so after Eric ate his pepper, Cara's Dad suggested he kiss her to help her experience the burn, so he did. She got a good burn going that way. Cara's friend Hannah came to the family party in Ft. Smith and she agreed to eat a pepper. They had a fake mustache for Hannah to wear while she ate the pepper, but the pepper caused her to sweat it off right away. It was funny to watch those crazy people eat their peppers. But watch the videos and you will see what I mean. We then went to the football game and had a great time together. It was unusual for me to sit in the bleachers, since I usually have to walk the sidelines at our football games taking pictures for the yearbook. I took several pictures, that I will post. My favorite is the one of my pregnant daughter and my pregnant daughter-in-law sitting there eating pickles.
The rest of the weekend was fun too. Ryan and Sarah spent the night at our house and I enjoyed spending some time with Sarah! She is a sweetie. Ryan taught Eric how to do a backflip on the trampoline. He was excited. So enjoy watching the videos and seeing the pictures from our weekend.

And now for the Habañero challenge for Hannah.

Now Eric shows Cara how hot it is:

And now time to cool down:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 09

For Halloween we went to a church party at a members house in Bonanza. Michelle, Diana, Caroline, Holly, Cara, and David and I went.Ethan and David chose to stay home and watch some football, which was fine. They had a fish fry (YUM) so David and I took a little break from our continual diets to enjoy it. The men that were doing the frying were sure working hard to keep up with demand. Holly was sooo cute as a little witch and Caroline was adorable as a little pirate (sword and all). They played games and went on the hayride. Caroline particularly liked catching the apples in the barrel. She cheated a little by catching them by the stem. She made a few returns back to the barrel so we had a good supply of apples. She also insisted on going on the hayride a 2nd time. Holly caught everyone's attention as she ran around. I kept overhearing remarks about how cute she was. I was glad we got to spend some time with them this Halloween. Cara had to answer lots of questions about who was the cute guy they saw her with on facebook. She left early to go to a friends party where she dressed up in a sari as a Hindu woman.